Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Problem with Voting

Elections.  We have them on a regular basis to choose a new government all over the world.  Elections are run differently in different countries but the results are always the same.  It is a rare thing that someone who is actually qualified to be in a position of power to be elected to that position.  Usually a person who is qualified to lead, has found a more rewarding and beneficial leadership position elsewhere.  Those who cannot make it in the private sector often seek their fortunes in the political arena or other unionized government positions.

So the first issue with elections are the candidates themselves.  All of them are good at public speaking and know how to use language to influence peoples thinking and to spin situations to their advantage.  In fact they hire teams of people to help them do this.  If you were truly an honest person wanting to benefit the population as a whole, you would not need a team of writers and lawyers to put words in your mouth.

Because I am Canadian, I will focus on how the system works (or doesn't) here in Canada.  Lets start with the nomination process.
A prospective candidate must be a Canadian citizen who is at least 18 years of age on election day. A candidate may seek election in only one riding at a time; however, the candidate need not be a registered elector or even reside in that riding. (A riding is also known as a constituency or electoral district.)(1)
There is your first problem. No educational, work experience or other requirements. You simply need to be a living person. It is possible in theory, then, to elect a person who is in a coma. (and we often do). The only thing a candidate has to do is appoint an agent and auditor. This is simply to keep a good record of financial records for the campaign. At least we have that so people have to track who donates funds and how much. There are some good things we do in Canada to ensure some accountability, but it is not enough.
I would suggest that a qualified political candidate should be an expert at something that contributes to the economy and is beneficial to society as a whole.  A tradesman, doctor, nurse, teacher or somebody who has become an expert at whatever they do.  It has been said that it requires 10,000 hours to become an expert at something.  At 40 hours per week, that is 5 years of work experience.  A career politician is an expert, but that is a role that is not beneficial, or good for the economy.  A politician should also never be a lawyer.  Lawyers are by definition experts of misdirection and confusion.  Their job is to win arguments and defend whoever they represent (often themselves) within the rules of law to obtain a decision in the courts that most benefits their client.  Since government is the body that determines what the rules of law will be; we cannot have the lawyers making up the rules.  Its the same as having criminals determine the best way they should be punished. (Look at our prison system.  We are heading that way quickly)

So basically, the majority of the pool of people that seek nomination and election are those who choose not to become experts in anything truly useful to society.  Many have law degrees and therefore should not be allowed to run in the first place. (Yes lawyers are useful to society, but not as political representatives of the people)

We now have the nominated candidates to choose from.  They spend donated money to advertise and convince the population that they are the best person to represent them.  This is a fallacy. The political candidates are actually applying for the job of spending your tax dollars in a way that best benefits you and the rest of society as a whole.  They work for us.  But yet this elected body sets their own wages, they get expense accounts and a budgeted allotment of our money to spend in running their office etc. See if you can convince your boss to let the staff determine their wages, and spend the company revenue how they see fit.  If he does, then you probably work for an elected official.

So anyways, on election day (another travesty, I'll get into later) we have the right to choose who will be allowed to spend our tax dollars.  We sometimes have several choices, but rarely is any of them an ideal choice.  If they were applying to work for you in a business you owned, you probably would not hire any of them, yet we are forced to choose one.  It has been put forward that you need to exercise your right to vote and choose the candidate who you think is the best for the job.  What if none of them are even remotely qualified in your opinion? You don't have the option to vote for none of the above.  You can spoil your ballot, but that just removes your vote from the count.  May as well stay home.  I honestly think that if the 'None of the Above' option were on the ballot, that option would get the most votes.  AND because politicians rely on somebody being elected in order to earn an overpaid income, they won't put that on the ballot. It's a rigged system.

So this is the reason I rarely vote.  I go vote if there is a remote chance that a total idiot might win, then I make sure I vote for a less idiotic candidate.  VERY rarely is there actually a candidate who I think would make a true difference, that has happened once since I turned 18.  The candidate got into government, however they were not part of the party who won majority, but at least they have a voice in the house.

Now the election is over, and we say that majority rules and the people elected have the support of the majority.  Lies, misdirection and deceptive language.  Look at your voter turn out.  Add the people who did not vote, the spoiled ballots and those that actually voted into the numbers and you will see that out of all the possible voters, those that got elected did NOT have the backing of the majority. 

In 2011 we held a federal election.  61% of the eligible voters turned out, and the winning party got 39.6% of the popular vote.  So in fact they got 24% of the eligible vote.  NOT a majority since 76% of the eligible voters did not vote for them. How is it that if 76% of the population does not support them, they still are able to run our country?

The system does not work.  

People will tell me that if everybody voted then the system would work just fine.  Well no, it won't.  You don't have the option to say that none of the candidates are good enough.  We also don't have the ability to fire the person we hired before the next election.  Here in Alberta if I hire someone, either party can terminate the employment without cause within the first 3 months.  Why is it that politicians are guaranteed employment for the entire term? (unless something extreme happens)  

Let us enter a hypothetical world where elections actually make a difference.
We make the vote mandatory.  (Failure to vote penalty would be 1000 hours of community service). But we also include the "None of the Above" option.

Either a qualified candidate gets voted in by the majority, or none of them are voted in.

OH NO! nobody got elected!  what happens now.  Well, nothing bad.  We simply don't have a functional government. (no different than the current dis-function).  So your riding elected to go with none of the above.  Now the citizens must decide if they will remain un-represented or if they would like to choose somebody else to represent them.  If the community decides they want representation, they will need to choose new candidates and go through the process again.

Oh the cost you say.  Well our current system of paper ballots and cardboard boxes is antiquated and really quite silly with our current technological state.  We can easily set up a computer based system that can be used over and over again. We have the technology to know in real time what the counts are without human error or recounts or any of the other issues that crop up because of the antiquated system we now use.

We'll now turn this over for discussion.  I don't have the answers as to how to make this work perfectly, but our current system is simply no longer effective.

Russel Brand makes some good points here as well.  Most of which I agree with.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Are you sick and tired?

What is killing us in North America? Heart disease, stroke and cancer.  But then when you look at low income parts of the world people are dying from heart disease and infections.  Cancer doesn't even rank in the top 10 causes of death, while in high income areas 4 out of the top 10 causes of death are cancers. So what is cancer?  Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases. Although there are many kinds of cancer, all cancers start because abnormal cells grow out of control.(  This out of control growth is mainly caused by damage to the DNA that is contained in every cell in every living thing on the planet.  Some DNA damage is genetic and would occur in any case, but most DNA damage is caused by something in the environment.  Radiation and toxins being the biggest causes.

Most of the radiation that passes through our bodies comes from the sun. It is strange that here in North America we are all concerned about skin cancer and cover up our bodies and coat our skins in chemicals that would be poisonous to consume, yet in low income parts of the world, people spend all day in the sun every day of their lives and have very very low skin cancer rates.  Radiation in the form of microwaves (cellphones, wireless communications) and other electronic sources are all around us every day. But this exposure seems to be very minimal. So personally I don't think that radiation is a chief cause of cancer in the developed world.  There are cases of nuclear radiation from damaged power plants, weapons etc that are anomalies and really don't affect the majority of cancer patients.

So that leaves toxins.  Lets start with sunscreen.  One of the major ingredients in sunscreen that is used to absorb UV radiation is benzophenone.  I looked up the MSDS (material safety data sheet) for this chemical ( and it states:
Potential Acute Health Effects: Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant, sensitizer), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation.
Potential Chronic Health Effects: Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant, sensitizer), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation
 Skin Contact: In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get medical attention.

So why do we slather our children in this toxin every time they go outside?  Our skin is not a solid surface, it absorbs stuff from our environment.  Especially chemicals that do not occur naturally.  Don't want sunburn? cover up with clothing or get out of the sun.

Most of the toxins that find their way into our bodies are voluntarily consumed. Everything from aspartame to prescription drugs.  A lot of poisons are in the foods we eat.  There is only so much our immune systems can do to fight off cancer cells and other disease when we hamper our bodies ability to work properly with poisons.  What really gets me is when there is a statement that a certain toxin is 'within acceptable levels'.  Really!?  So the organizations that we created to keep us safe have a threshold where they can say that this level of poison on a daily basis is acceptable, but anything over that is harmful.  I say that any exposure then is harmful and should not be in what we consume. (sorry, I can't come up with any examples right now)

So we poison ourselves on a daily basis, then rely on other toxins called pharmaceuticals to counteract these poisons, and at the same time expect our immune system to work properly swimming around in the chemical soup in our blood stream.  Then we further complicate matters by creating a stressful environment in which to live.  Did you know that when you are stressed, the body releases hormones that suppress the immune system?

All of us here in north america are stressed.  Our society is set up that way.  Stress happens whenever you take an animal out of it's natural environment and force it to live in an unnatural way.  Remove a bear from the woods and put it in an enclosed space in a zoo and it will experience stress and it may even cause it to get sick and die. Why would we humans be any different?  We live in enclosed spaces called cities and office towers. We get up when an alarm goes off (stressful), then we fight traffic to get to work (stressful).  Then we work under tight deadlines and demands from an external source (stressful) and then we get our paycheck and have to pay our bills and debts and save for our futures (stressful).  Every aspect of our day to day lives induces a stress response, releasing cortisol and epinephrine into our bloodstream, basically shutting off our immune systems.

For two years in a row, the annual stress survey commissioned by the American Psychological Association has found that about 25% of Americans are experiencing high levels of stress (rating their stress level as 8 or more on a 10-point scale), while another 50% report moderate levels of stress (a score of 4 to 7) (
Our immune systems can fight cancer on their own, provided we are not poisoning our systems and damaging our DNA on a daily basis, and provided we are not turning off the very system that evolved to protect us from abnormal cells in the first place.

We have separated ourselves from our natural environment and have completely lost touch with how to live in harmony with nature.  We poison the air, the water, the soil and then try to find other chemicals to counteract the chemicals that are poisoning us. We are almost in a constant state of stress and then we wonder why so many people wander around like mindless dolts.  We are exhausted and we are dying.

I came across an interesting article about an Irishman who decided to give up the trappings of modern society and live in harmony with his environment.  He's been doing it since 2008.

I am not saying we need to give up all of the wonderful things that modern life is giving us, but I am saying that we need to find a way to alter our society so that we can live in harmony with nature in a slower paced less stressful way.  To do that we all need to become the change we desire.  It is not an easy thing to do, because in our stressed states of mind the last thing we want to do is draw attention to ourselves by being different.  Our survival instinct stress response wants us to remain hidden.

It is our choice.  Continue to live in a stressful poisonous environment and take our chances being sick and tired, or change something and live a more healthy harmonious life.

Here are some of the sources that I used to come to my conclusions.  I make broad generalizations, and make conclusions based on gut feelings.  But like the blog says, I am thinking out loud.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The System is Broken

Often at work I get asked by someone: "Why are people so stupid?"
My answer: "People are stupid because the system is broken, the system is broken because people are stupid"

All our systems are broken.  Health care, government, education, whatever, if there is some "system" it is broken.  Why?  Well because people are stupid.

So, let us define stupid.  Stupid does not mean that they are not intelligent. (Ok, there are some folks out there that have, in groups of 5, as much brain activity as a fungus)  People lack the ability to truly think.  They are stressed and always in a rush so they don't take the time to think.  Not thinking is my definition of stupid.  If you don't think, then you need a system to handle your life.  Just follow the steps and you will get to the end.
Like solving a Rubik's cube.  For every pattern on the cube there is a memorizable system to solve it. So in life people develop systems to get through their day.  These systems become automatic and they fail to pay attention to life and realize that the system they developed while not thinking is flawed and broken.

Wake up, shower, get dressed, wake the kids, fight with kids to get them ready, get lunches packed, rush them off to school, drive to work (I got this great shortcut but there is an accident so now I am going to be late), do the job, pretend I like it, lunch break but I don't relax, I talk to my coworkers about how we all hate our boss or job or relationship or last night's Big Brother or Idol show.  Then back to work for a few more hours, then rush to get kids from daycare, rush home, feed family, off to dance or soccer or hockey or something else, rush home get homework done, clean house, get kids to bed, then collapse and watch some mindless distraction on TV (Idol, Big Brother, Honey Boo Boo)  and then try to get some sleep. (how can you sleep if you cannot relax?) the mind stresses about bills, retirement, mortgage rates, aging parents are getting sick etc etc.  Finally sleep... ALARM! lets do it again!

This is life?  No.  This is a system to get through the day, that is all, and it is broken.  We all live it to some degree or another.

Education System.  The teachers and students are all living the example life I just described.
Justice System.  Everybody involved there is also living that life
Governmental Systems.  Also the same life
Health care system.  Holy smokes, look at that, the same humans living that same life! (Only here people get dead because of it)

Nobody is thinking, therefore everyone is stupid.  This leads people to come into where I work to order business cards for their new business. But they have not named said business, they don't have a phone number, email, or any of the other information you may want to have on that business card, prompting the question: "why are people so stupid?" (This happens at least once a week BTW)

The system is broken.  So why not ditch the system and figure out how to live life.

There needs to be a fundamental shift in how we go about our days.  Bring the life back into living.  Our children go to school to learn, but they never learn how to think or solve problems.  They memorize facts, figures and systems for solving problems.  My kids were lucky, they were able to go to a charter school in Calgary that did teach them to think, and they both received 'Gifted' diplomas.  Not everybody gets this kind of education. Parents send their kids to school, where teachers are required to raise our kids. Day-cares also need to raise them.  Parents are too busy working and rushing the kids to hockey or dance to raise them.  Broken system.

When was the system not broken?  For me I think it was working after WWII.  During the 50s and 60s and into the 70s mom was usually home.  Kids went to school, came home to mom for a loving lunch, then after school, mom was there again to nurture and develop our minds, hearts and souls.

But then when I 'came of age' I had to work, the mother of my children had to work just to make ends meet.  Nobody is at home anymore to provide the kids with a stable base of operations.  They go from being bullied at school, to being bullied at daycare, then back home where they get bullied into dancing, music, hockey, swimming, soccer or whatever.  Or even worse, there is nobody there because the single parent is working 2 jobs to keep the lights on and keep some crappy processed food in the cupboards and try to keep the children from feeling left out by getting them the material things that their peers have.

Why is the system broken?  Well we have allowed our fundamental family system to fall apart.  Everybody is alone and stressed.  How many of your neighbors are your friends?  Would you leave your newborn baby with the people next door if there was an emergency?  Our communities are just collections of houses where people are existing, not living.  I know very few of my neighbors.  I chat with them from time to time when we encounter each other outside.

No real family anymore
No sense of community
No sense of belonging

People feel alone, even when surrounded by people. This creates stress. When there is stress, the body and mind react on instinct, our ability to think becomes impaired.  We become stupid, and we create broken systems.

So before this becomes a giant wall of text (more giant) let me ask you this:

How do we fix the system?

Over the next few weeks, we will think out loud about how our broken system(s) are killing us, and what we can do to fix it and to bring back the true joy of stress free living.

Bring back the Love of Life.

Further reading:

Understanding stress (Harvard Medical School)
Stress Chemicals (poisons produced by stress that turn off our immune systems)

Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts.  Dare to think out loud!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Thinking Out Loud

So my eyes popped open at 4 am this morning.  I know you are all thinking WTF, it's Sunday dude, you should be sleeping.  Well, I follow my internal clock and wake up early and go to bed early.  I guess I am what you call a morning person.  Just don't talk to me before I have had a shower.  

I have been wanting to do a blog for some time now about things that run through my head that maybe others have running  in their heads too.  Over the last few years I have been thinking about the meaning of life. There must be a purpose to this existence right?  I am like most of you out there; I wake up, go to work, come back home and spend a small amount of time with my family then back to bed so I can repeat it all again tomorrow.  Frankly it sucks.  I would rather spend 4 hours a day working for a paycheck and 8 hours a day with my family.  Something is not right with life in North America. A lot of society spends so much time chasing the almighty dollar that family and peace of mind suffer, leading to mental as well as physical ailments running rampant in society.  Violence is on the rise, families fall apart and our youth suffer as a result.  Our youth is our legacy as a species.  If we don't pass on our values and just let them sort life out themselves we are doomed to revert back to more animalistic ways generation by generation.  Dog eat dog world right?

Compare our modern American society with the American society of say... the 1400s.  Pre Columbus times. The people in North America live in harmony with each other and with the environment.  Yes they warred with each other and there was violence just like now, but with primitive weapons the damage to mankind was minimal.  My point is that life was slower paced, family came first and everybody worked together for the good of everybody.  This may not have been the case in the more advanced societies like the Aztecs and Mayans because there is something about cities that brings out the greed of mankind.  The royals and priests seemed to amass great wealth.  In the more nomadic tribes of North America where life was maybe a bit more difficult, people worked together and had good lives.  A movie that illustrates this well is "Dances with Wolves" starring Kevin Costner and Graham Greene.

I am lucky because I happen to have this kind of sacred place right in my back yard.

Anyways, I guess what I am trying to say here is that today is Thanksgiving Sunday here in Canada.  As you stuff your bellies with the bounty of the land, think about what really matters in life.  Is it fancy cars and big houses, amassing fortunes of paper money, and 'getting ahead'?  Do we continue to plunder the earth for all her treasures until there is nothing left of the beauty and harmony that once existed on this planet?  We are part of this ecosystem.  We have the power to destroy the very system that supports us and all the other life on this planet.  We have the ability to understand our impact, the effects that our choices have on our world.  In nature there are natural checks and balances to keep populations from getting out of hand and destroying the balance.  We humans have stepped outside of that box because of our 'intelligence' but are we intelligent enough to learn to live in harmony with the rest of nature while still advancing our knowledge of the universe? 

Let us be thankful today that we have not yet destroyed our ecosystem and that we may yet have time to change our ways and start to live in harmony with the planet instead of crushing it under foot in the name of progress.

Imagine our world as a garden in a bottle. If you really think about it that is exactly what our world is. A self contained ecosystem.  There is no 'keeper' out there that will remove the invasive species from the bottle, the ecosystem will thrive or die based on what is there and how the various species live in harmony or not.

Read this and imagine if you introduced 5-10 caterpillars to that system?  Are we humans that caterpillar species in our bottled world?

Dare to think.